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  • catherinebeasley

5 healthy habits to make you happier!

Updated: Feb 18, 2021

There are things that you can start doing every day to positively contribute to your general state of being. I have put together five tips to help you revive your relationship with yourself to become healthier and happier.

Implementing change into your life:

Change is a deliberate daily practice, not an overnight solution. Some examples of changes you might be thinking of doing are:

  • Improving your sleep regiment: Start winding down an hour before bed, put your phone on sleep mode, or put it away. Dim the lights (blue-blocking glasses are great) to get your eyes ready for sleep. Have a cool shower to get your body temperature down. Go to bed a decent hour so that you get 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Take it slow and achieve one thing at a time before implementing another.

  • Starting your fitness journey: At the start of the week make a workout schedule so you stick to it. Find out where you are lacking in flexibility and mobility by feeling your way through a few stretches. Start walking, then running. Add bodyweight exercises and once you feel that your form is strong, add weights. Keep building from there.

  • Drinking more water: Have a reusable water bottle with you at all times. When you wake up, have some water. Throughout the day when you take a break have some more water (every hour). Water intake is a crucial piece of a healthy lifestyle change.

The point is, the changes you make should not overwhelm you. Commit to something small and contribute to it daily.

Complimenting yourself:

When you encourage and compliment yourself, you unlock your confidence. It is easy to look at someone else and point out all the great things about them. Have you tried doing this for yourself? Here are some examples of things you can say to yourself every day

  • "I am brave" We tend to be harsh on ourselves especially when trying something new. If it didn't turn out exactly the way you wanted to, you failed. That's not true. You tried, you are brave!

  • "I am loved" In low times the go-to thought is "I am unloved" or "unworthy". The truth is you are loved. Whether it's by your puppy running up to you after a day at work, a random text from a friend sending love, or a stranger complimenting you at the coffee shop. You receive different forms of love every day. You are loved!

  • "I have grown" Remember what you were doing two years ago or even 6 months ago? You are not the same person, right? That's called growth! You have grown!


Self-love comes in many forms: A face mask, hair mask, a full body massage. What about on the inside? Here are some examples of self-love to practice every day.

  • Take out your journal and write down all the things you love/are grateful for about yourself. Write for five minutes or more.

  • Recognize relationships, people, and situations that no longer resonate with you. If it doesn't feel right, move on.

  • Forgive yourself for past mistakes-It's in the past, leave it there. When you get into bed and a situation is on repeat in your head, stop beating yourself up. Forgive yourself.

Labeling food:

Labeling food as good or bad can take you down a rabbit hole. Measuring micro/macronutrients, calories, sugar, fat, carbs... It can become an obsession to classify them. Try to reword them to very nourishing and not so nourishing. Educate yourself on the ingredients/nutrients, pay attention to what your body is craving how that food makes you feel. Your body knows what it wants- tune in and listen to it.

Limiting yourself:

The only thing that prevents you from being the person you want to be is the limits you put on yourself. If you are telling yourself you can't or won't, this will become your belief.

"He who says he can and he who says he can't, are both usually right." - Henry Ford

Here are some affirmations to tell yourself, or write them down in your journal if you prefer:

  • "I can do whatever I set my mind to"

  • "I am good enough"

  • "I am getting better at ______ every day"

Contribute to your goals everyday. If you miss a day, keep going and try not to overwhelm yourself. Keep track of your progress and how you are feeling along the way. Everyone has ups and downs and it helps to talk to someone about your goals and struggles. Its not a race, you are building habits for life!

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