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  • catherinebeasley

How to find joy, everyday!

It is easy to feel like you're on the wrong path or long for an abundant life. But what if the abundance you seek is in front of you? Discover these 3 tools to practice daily and catapult into joy!

Journalling and Gratitude

It has been proven scientifically that journalling decreases mental distress and increases well-being. After one month, patients were showing less depressive symptoms and showed improvements in quality of life. Make it a part of your every day: schedule it in like any other important appointment. Don't worry about spelling or grammar, just let the pen flow. Let it all out and remember journalling is a judgment-free zone!

While journalling, write down 3 things you are grateful for today. When you appreciate, you allow good feelings to flow. It is too easy to stress about all the things on your to-do list. It could be that you had a great sleep, the sun is shining, you had a cuddle with your partner or dog. Make a note of looking forward to what the day brings. Say to yourself out loud something good is going to happen today, I feel it!

Disclaimer: there will be days where you can't be bothered or you don't have time but these are the days that you will see the best results. Remember it's a daily practice, with a little discipline you will surprise yourself with how you can shape your day. Stick with it.


This is a whole other blog on its own. If you don't already meditate, what are you waiting for? Meditation is a daily practice used to train your mind and redirect your thoughts. It is becoming more and more popular because people are discovering its many health benefits. Too many of us live with high cortisol levels caused by stress. Cortisol is an important hormone but, when cortisol levels are too high, physical symptoms start to show up in the body. Symptoms like anxiety, insomnia, digestive issues, and high blood pressure. The parietal lobe is where most of our senses are processed. When you meditate, activity in the parietal lobe slows down--you get a break from thinking! Cortisol is lowered and the immune system boosts. The nervous system relaxes, which aids in insomnia. When you still your mind, you make way for your intuition to guide you through. Start with 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening, you don't have time for that I hear you say? I'm here to bust that belief. A belief is just a thought! Set your alarm 15 minutes earlier in the morning, make your tea or coffee after as a treat! Watch one less episode of your series in the evening, ask your partner to finish the dishes, and excuse yourself to meditate.

There are hundreds of meditations online but if you would like to start right now: play your favorite relaxing music, sit comfortably in a chair or on the floor in easy pose (cross-legged on the floor), chin slightly down, straight neck, eyes closed, gaze comfortably on your third-eye point (eyebrow), hands resting comfortably on your mid-thigh. Breathe in and out, naturally--don't try and change your breathing, just notice it. If you find yourself drifting off into thought, bring your attention back to your breath. I recommend doing this for 11 minutes but if you are just starting, you can experience great benefits in just one minute! Practice this meditation every day to calm your mind.

Remember the importance of making time for yourself so that you can be there for others. You, your family, and friends will benefit from this.

Move your body!

Several studies show exercise can change the body in many ways. It can lower stress levels and improve mental health, protecting the body from the negative effects of stress. Working out regularly can elevate endorphins: serotonin, dopamine, noradrenaline, and adrenaline. Research suggests that exercise can act as an anti-depressant. Always consult your practitioner and use this guide alongside what they suggest!

Try everything and do what makes you feel good. Walking the dog (friends dog), yoga, pilates, resistance training, plyometrics, dancing, surfing, skiing, ok, you understand! Commit yourself to moving your body every day. It is important to figure out your "why"...why do you want to exercise? If your motivation is to feel good, you are more likely to stick with it rather than to lose weight or to fit into a dress. Those things can be the short-term goal but we are looking for sustainability here! Do it to feel good--do it for you!

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