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  • catherinebeasley

How to get motivated and crush your fitness goals!

Updated: Feb 20, 2021

When it comes to fitness, motivation is not always going to be there.

I have put together three tips for you to ensure you smash your goals when you feel unmotivated.

"People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily." - Zig Ziglar

Tip number 1: Be honest with yourself. Is your workout bringing you happiness?

Everyone has different goals. Whatever they are, you need to be enjoying the process to push yourself along the way. There are many styles of training which achieve different results. Hypertrophy, plyometrics, yoga pilates to name a few. Find the right one for you. Tune in and notice how you are narrating your life. Subconsciously we can be quite harsh and shaming toward ourselves and not even realize it. Make sure you are gently encouraging, as you would be to a friend.

Tip number 2: Give yourself time. You are changing your lifestyle forever. When you start to see results (even in how you feel), reward yourself just for showing up. This makes it fun and takes the pressure off. It is all too easy to compare yourself to others' progress. Remember, these people have been doing this for a long time and they started from the bottom. It's good to have healthy role models. Watching people who have what you want can be encouraging. If you are feeling bad about yourself you might want to rethink why you follow them. Keeping a healthy mindset has a lot to with your progression.

Tip number 3: Progress will not always be linear. Some days you will feel strong, motivated, lean, and ready to crush your workout. Other days, quite the opposite. Look at the bigger picture rather than one bad session. We are not supposed to feel motivated all the time. There are times when we need to rely on discipline and routine. Commit yourself and stick to it.

Check-in and be honest with yourself. If you are genuinely exhausted, have a rest day they are just as important! If you are always feeling demotivated go back to tip number one and be honest with yourself!

Whatever you are working towards, make sure you are doing it for yourself. If you are finding it hard to stay motivated, it helps to talk to someone you trust for the goals you have taken on, big or small. Having a fitness buddy you can chat to may help you stay accountable.

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